My day began with the first customer of the day screaming into my face that I was charging him wrong (which I wasn't). The item he was buying had a huge tag saying 39.99 on it but he was insisting the sign above it said it was 21.99. Well, the sign above it did say 21.99 but it was saying another entirely different product was 21.99. It's like if you go into a supermarket and see a sign saying fresh cream cakes 2.99 but there are fillets of steak underneath the sign, are you then going to assume the steak is 2.99? no obviously not. So I explained politely to the man what the sign said. He then proceeded to scream into my face that I owed him an apology for having a misleading sign. I refused to apologize for his lack of literacy (said in a less blunt fashion) and therefore let him shout at my manager. I often wonder if these people go home and regret or are embarrassed about screaming in my face...I somehow doubt it. I just have to stand there, take there abuse and fantasize about one day showing up at there place of work and humiliating them.
The rest of work seemed to be passing relatively incident free until a greasy looking man came up to me with a strange request. He asked me if I had any clothes that he could dress women in to make them look like schoolgirls he leaned closer to me and whispered "It's not for anything weird I just need them for a film but obviously, you know, I can't use real children". I showed him things he could use to make a schoolgirl outfit. After he left I was wondering what people who made porn looked like and did he fit the bill? I decided it was probably just a regular film. I think I might have been wrong though because later he came back and looking for nurses outfits. There is nothing remotely sexy or modern about the clothes in the shop I work in so if he was making a porn would end up looking like it was from the 60's.
Later there was a women acting really shady at one of the stands in the shop. I went to walk over to her to see if she was OK and when I got close I saw her pick up a pair of trousers and wipe her face on them. I literally stood there in front of her open-mouthed. Like, what do say to people who do this stuff and how could they think this is normal? I just walked away because I already had enough crazy for one day.